
Diversity and moderation over tradition - why Democrats moved South Carolina to the start of the 2024 presidential campaign

Sunday, 05 February 2023

The Democratic National Committee approved a proposal on Feb. 4, 2023, that puts South Carolina first on the party's presidential nominating calendar, upending 50 years of tradition. For the first time, voters of color, moderates, hourly workers - and Southerners - will have the first say in choosing the party's nominee. President Biden weighed in on changes to the nominating calendar in a Dec. 1, 2022, letter to the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee . He wrote that early nominating states should reflect the diversity of the party and nation and that time-consuming caucuses, like those held in Iowa, should no longer be a part of the process because they disadvantage hourly workers and others who can't take the required time away from work.


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